Ahhh, those early(ier) days of NAAFA …. if only the level of commitment and sentiment stayed as high as it did in this piece, the organization would have flourished so much more than it did. This piece was great to see (and to see younger versions of folks who are still around with NAAFA), but sad in a way — if only that energy and awareness had been tapped into instead of focusing on people’s own agenda’s and personal needs…..I’m certain things wouldn’t be the way they are today….
Ahhh, those early(ier) days of NAAFA …. if only the level of commitment and sentiment stayed as high as it did in this piece, the organization would have flourished so much more than it did. This piece was great to see (and to see younger versions of folks who are still around with NAAFA), but sad in a way — if only that energy and awareness had been tapped into instead of focusing on people’s own agenda’s and personal needs…..I’m certain things wouldn’t be the way they are today….