Research & Stats

1960’s miss fat and beautiful contest

“Their proportions are what you might call generous, but that doesn’t mean that she can’t be smart. And at last the Rag Trade is waking up to the fact that the plump lass has just the same yearning to be glamorous as her skinny sister.”
great video-click here to watch on Jezebel!

Sex and the Fat Girl

A little over two years ago, “World’s Fattest Man” Manuel Uribe married his fiance Claudia Solis to the clucking dismay of fat haters everywhere. How could she be sexually attracted to someone so fat? How do they even have sex? When the answer to the latter question came in, you could almost see the horrified faces: His friends constructed a “sex ramp” that enabled him to consummate his marriage. The idea of fat people having sex has long been a

NYT Op-Ed today: “Playing with the Band”

Obesity can kill, but when people are not at immediate risk of fatal illness, the F.D.A. does them no favors by giving its approval to an implanted medical device before it has been adequately tested.
Read the whole piece here


Experts endorse obesity surgery
A federal advisory panel panel Friday endorsed a company’s request that a device used for weight-loss surgery be approved for people who are slightly less obese, a crucial step towards making the already increasingly popular procedures available to many more patients.
The 10-member Food and Drug Administration advisory committee voted overwhelmingly to recommend the agency grant the request from Allergan Inc. of Irvine, Calif., to market its Lap-Band device to people with a body mass index (BMI) of

WLS linked to higher suicides…

Weight loss surgery undertaken by severely obese people might be linked to a higher risk of suicide in the years following the procedure, a report says, adding that the surgery is the cause of a higher suicide rate.
Weight loss surgery is increasingly being recommended for people with severe obesity, but the latest finding by The American Journal of Medicine suggests that this option may not be the best choice.
In the study, researchers followed up on Pennsylvania residents who