More teens get unapproved weight-loss surgery
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A type of weight-loss surgery not approved for adolescents is becoming more and more common among teens in California, according to a report published today.
Most of the patients are white girls, although they make up less than half of overweight youth, researchers say.
From 2005 to 2007, they found rates of so-called gastric banding, in which a silicone band is placed around the top portion of the stomach to restrict food intake, rose five-fold. However, use of gastric bypass — which surgically reduces the size of the stomach — dropped, leaving the overall rate of weight-loss procedures constant.
Despite not being approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in adolescents younger than age 18, gastric banding overtook gastric bypass as the most frequently performed weight-loss procedure in this age group, Dr. Daniel DeUgarte and colleagues from the University of California, Los Angeles, report in the journal Pediatrics.
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Hi Jane,I’ve just discovered your site (and added it to my rendiag list). It’s interesting that you talk about diabetes professionals in this way. My experience has been different unfortunately. I switched to low carb to achieve my current 4.8% HBA1C and was somewhat chastised by my diabetes nurse, here in the UK. I’m not sure what percentages my carb/protein/fat intakes are. I suspect my carb intake is higher than most low carbers as I’m vegetarian and eat lots of fresh vegetables. I eat few fruits though as I find that they spike my blood glucose too much for my liking. Strawberries are the one fruit I can eat quite a bit of. However, I eat almost no starchy vegetables, no pasta, no rice and very little bread. Even whole grains seem to spike me, though more slowly and for a longer period.In addition, I’ve also taken on a lot of exercise and lost 60+ pounds. (Who knew being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes could seemingly make me healthier?!)Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for this resource